January 23, 2009

No Pets Allowed

Long story short: Our family adopted a cat that had been hanging around our house. She was really skinny and looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks. We started feeding her tuna, hot dogs and whatever other meat we had. She started hanging around more and so we adopted her and named her "Annie" (short for Anorexic). She was always trying to get into the house but we never let her. The boys loved to pet her and watch her eat. We are got a little attached to her (well all of kids did) and even bought her real cat food. For those of you who know me, this was a huge step! I don't do pets!! (AT ALL!) Well yesterday was a sad day for our family and Annie. I saw Annie a few houses down laying in the road. She had been hit and was dead. It was raining the night before so she was totally wet. At first, I wasn't sure it was here but later when I actually looked I knew it was Annie. Then, it happened. Connor came home from school and told me that he had "really bad news to tell me". Before he could tell me he started crying really hard. Then he said "Annie is dead." It was so sad to see him so upset about it. We talked about it and in the end I told him that we weren't going to tell Cooper. Then the doorbell rings! A little neighbor girl is at the door and she busts out "ummm, your cat is dead down the street." Cooper comes running to the door and says "What? Our cat is dead? Where, I want to see!" I gave her the eye of don't say another word and then Connor and I tried to twist is so that Cooper didn't know Annie was dead. I said, "oh no, it isn't our cat" and then the girl realizes that I don't want Cooper to know and she says "I mean he is asleep in the road and she is wet and smashed!!!!" OK AS IF THAT HELPED OR MADE IT ANY BETTER!!! Cooper said "smashed? what? where?" I told her goodbye, closed the door and Connor's big brother instints kicked in. He told Cooper that she was confused and that Annie was ok. It was a sweet moment between them while I stood at the door trying not to bust out laughing! This is only one reason why we don't have pets....anyone need half a bag of cat food?


  1. Seriously, I don't know how you brought tears to my eyes and giggled all at the same time! Way to be the big brother Conner!!

  2. Hey you! I came across your blog from the Danielson's blog. What a good big brother Connor is! Oh and I was crackin' up when I read your things my kids said today... "Tomorrow, I am telling Heavenly Father on you." So funny!

  3. That was such a sad sweet story, so why am I laughing.
