February 25, 2011

It's a different world!

A few things have happened this month to make me stop and think about how different the world is for my kids as far as technology goes. During visiting teaching this month, the topic of cell phones for teenagers came up. My sweet companion and the sister we were visiting only have small children so their kids don't "need" a phone yet. They asked if my teenager did and they nicely explained that they hadn't decided yet, but thought that maybe their kids wouldn't have them until they were old enough to drive. I kept my mouth shut BECAUSE I said the same thing before I had a teenager. He now has a phone that we both depend on greatly!! 3 year asked to play a game on my phone, I told him yes and to hand me the phone so I could get him to the right place. He said, "That's ok, I do it". He can't form a proper sentence yet but he CAN use all the apps on my phone to find, start and play a game!

The kicker was last night during homework with my 1st grader. His assignment was to write 10 words that started with the same sound as his first name. So he started his list with cake, cat, car and a few words down was "com". My husband read the word and said, "That's not a word, do you mean "come"? The first grader looked at him like he was dumbest man alive and said "hello, com like dot com". My husband and I looked at each other started laughing...!! How did we ever survive without the modern convinces of technology and what is to come?!?!?!

Wow....I had to laugh about all this!