June 08, 2009

Sweet moment with Cooper!!

Our family has been reading the Book of Mormon for over a year and we have not yet read it all the way through. We are ALMOST to the end of Alma. It has taken us seriously over a year to get this far but we are doing it. Every night before family prayer we read 1 chapter. We each take turns reading 5 verses including Cooper (I whisper the words to him and he repeats them). Cooper usually just has one turn and then he is tuned out. After he reads he jumps all over us and asks for a drink and wants to turn the TV on etc. etc. Eric and I get frustrated with him and constantly shush him and tell him to be sit down and stop talking.

Well today he was "writing a book". He drew some pictures and then asked me to write the word for him. The story started like most of his stories do with monsters and pokemon and then he said "and it came to pass in the reign of the judges"... I froze. I wanted to laugh but I seriously got teary eyed. I got teary eyed because the Spirit bore witness to me right then that following the counsel of the Prophet IS important in MY life. Of course, Cooper has no idea what that phrase means but he knows the phrase. He may not be sitting still and "reading" with the rest of the family but he is listening. My testimony of reading the scriptures as a family has grown today because of this small sweet little moment with Cooper. I had to share!!


  1. I just got teary-eyed! Good for you being so diligent.

  2. That is a touching moment. They do learn from us...good for you! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love that! It sounds like my kids when we read. the only one reading, and listening is Mckenna. Your example makes me realize that I need to stick with it, even though they get all CRAZY. thanks

  4. I'm not going to lie I giggled a little when I read what Cooper said...but how sweet definatley blog worthy.
