September 02, 2009

The Principals Office?!?!?!

{I debated about whether or not to post this (because it is embarassing) but then remembered that blogging is a form of journaling and that is for me and my family. One day this post mat be helpful to Cooper!}

Yesterday was the 3rd week of school. Cooper has had an ok start to kindergarten. He has lost his recess twice for not following directions. For those of you who are saying "twice in two weeks ~ that's not good!!" clearly don't know Cooper!! While missing recess is NOT acceptable to Eric and I, it could be worse for Cooper.

Yesterday, I pick Cooper up from school and he says "ummm, mom today I went to the Principal's office." My heart stopped... "you what?" He says "yeah, I got in trouble again.". So we went and talked to his sweet teacher and she told me what happened. Long story short, he got upset, freaked out (again if you know Cooper you have see this) and he wouldn't calm down. Mr. Martinez (the principal) just happened to walk into his classroom during the meltdown so he took Cooper back to his office. It was more of a scare tactic, in hopes that it would teach Cooper to knock it off. I had already warned Mr. Martinez about Cooper so he knows the situation.

While I was talking to Cooper about this, I said "Cooper, going to the principals office is the most trouble you can get in at school." He looked at me with his big eyes and said "no mom, the most trouble you can get in is detention. I didn't get detention so I am not the most busted"

My response (behind wanting to laugh and wanting to slap him) was "cooper, they don't give Kindergarten kids detention!" Cooper said "well, I am not the most busted because I didn't get detention!"

Ok first of all, how does he know what detention is? Connor is a perfect student who has NEVER EVER gotten in trouble! He has never even had a note home from the teacher. Cooper is on week THREE of kindergarten and he has already been to the principals office.

I told Eric I was embarassed that we have a "bad" kid. He laughed and told me to get over it. It is embarassing now and it will be embarassing the next 100 times it happens. Oh man, what are we in for????

Just because I feel like I have to justify things- Cooper has been to over a year of therapy and pediatricians who assure us that there is nothing "wrong" with him. Cooper has been punished, grounded, lives in time out, spanked, removed from activities etc. I have done everything I can think of ~ nothing helps! I don't even think a trip to the principals office is going to help!! SIGH....


  1. Let just hope Cooper won't age you too quickly. gray hair or maybe no hair from pulling it out. yikes! sounds like his teacher is understanding though. good luck with the year.

  2. you & eric are patient & understanding with him.... you will be rewarded!!

  3. When I am ready to toss Mason through a wall I remember what a sweet old lady (that I didn't know) told me at Safeway once. He may grow up to be a Doctor someday. (she had a child just like mine) I have my fingers crossed.

  4. I know this is very hard for you!! Hang in there before you know it he will be leaving on his Mission. Time really does go that FAST!!

  5. I love Coopie J!!!! Dont tell the others but, he is secretly my fav...and Klair loves him the most!!!! Hevenly Father sent him to you for a reason...he must know you can handle him and no else!!!

  6. You have Cooper, I have Jason, it seems there is always one. We gotta love them....I know Jason drives Eric crazy...tell him I am sorry about that. Hang in are an amazing woman and a great mom.

  7. I know what you're going through... I have Jacob (he was in the director's office on the second day of preschool because he had lost control and was calling everyone "stupidhead" - ugh!), and he is aging me faster than any of my other boys! We're just at the beginning of trying to figure out how to help him cope with life without hurting himself. I think Heavenly Father sends us these beautiful boys to teach us about a whole other aspect of life, and to remind us to pray daily over our children. I often think that is what keeps him alive! Good luck!
