January 23, 2010

Flood #2

It was either video this or scream...ok I won't lie...I screamed before and after the video!! ARGH!!!

January 22, 2010

Kids say the darndest things....

(this conversation was today at lunch with just Grandpa, Klair and Cooper)

Cooper: Klair, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Klair: A veterinarian.
Cooper: You are eating chicken! You can't eat chicken and be a veterinarian!
Grandpa: Cooper, what do you want to be?
Cooper: A football player.
Grandpa: So then I can watch you on TV?
Cooper: NO! you will be dead!!

January 21, 2010

Bath time!!

How can a bathroom flood in the time it takes to move clothes from the washer to the dryer???!!! (the video doesn't show the 3 inches of water very well- trust me! the bathroom floor was flooded!)

January 05, 2010

1 missing???

It has come to my attention that "Nelson Family of 7" is not an accurate title since my family picture only shows 6 clear the air for anyone confused (Big D!!) Brock is not pictured. We officially have an "adult" child and we are learning what that means. We love Brock and are proud of him. He is currently going to ARC taking a full load of classes and he is working {almost} full time. He is very busy doing good things and getting ready for his mission. So..he is not pictured but only because his schedule didn't allow for a family Christmas picture! So..Nelson Family of 7 is still accurate!