February 11, 2009

25 Random Things

I was tagged with the "25 random things" by my old roommate via email. Instead of replying to her email, I thought I'd post them. I tried to just list them to shorten your reading time. If you are reading this... I want to know your 25 random facts about you! :)

1. I am a mommas girl!

2. I respect my husband for who he is and the things he has to deal with

3. I am very afraid of fish

4. I HATE liars. Do anything to me...but do NOT lie to me!

5. I have a crush on Jim from The Office

6. I drink WAAAAY to much soda

7. I wish I was a High School softball coach

8. STP know the brand? My parents bought me a hat with those initials when I was little and told me it stood for Stop Talking Pollmann. Apparenlty, I talked all the time when I was little. (I think I still have that problem)

9. I can type 85 words per minute

10. My dream vacation would be me and Eric in New York City without our kids

11. I love to kiss my kids (like in an obsessed way. I don't just kiss them, I grab them and kiss them all over their face until they are freaking out. I love to kiss their soft little cheeks!)

12. I am scared to drive in the rain

13. In high school I stole my sister's car in the middle of the day and drove through the Taco Bell drive thru in EG (back when there was one stop light on Elk Grove Blvd)

14. I did lots of dumb and bad things in high school that I really regret..none of which I will be listing!

15. I love court tv shows (Peoples Court, Judy Judge etc)

16. I love to get pedicures

17. I like the smell of gas

18. Besides my husband I think Matthew McConaughey is the sexiest man alive

19. I prefer fruity candy over chocolate anyday

20. I truly recongnize that I am blessed to have healthy children

21. I always want to be in charge

22. I do not like animals- at all!

23. I expect all men to be as handy and capable of fixing anything like my dad does (it took me a long time to figure out that my dad is awesome and that not all men can do the things he can do)

24. I like pickles

25. I love my girlfriends and spending time doing anything with them! I am lucky to have good friends in my life who love me and my kids!


  1. I have been avoiding this "25 random" thing I keep seeing people....but I think I'm going to give in. Yours was good! I actually learned a couple things (#7, 12, & 17)! :)

  2. I'm sory... I laughed out loud at #3. Why fish? Holy cow on the 85wpm!! :)

  3. OK, I'm coming out of the closet... I lurk on Sacramento blogs! I found your blog by just cruising on the blog list that everyone keeps on the side column... Your list made me laugh. I did it too - it's posted on my blog: So funny that we've both ended up with 5 boys. (And I just finished a stint as RS president, too! I remember right before we moved away, you had just been called, and I made fun of you for that. I'm so sorry!) Anyway, so good to see you're doing well!
